
Twilight Chronicles V - Ch 5

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

                               Father’s Day Gone Wrong
                            <-----Tavnazian Archipelago----->
                                      Misareaux Coast
Soon as Suka lands on one of the ships, he starts pulverizing all the enemies around him, with a mixture of unorthodox martial techniques and a few Spirit blasts. It’s much harder to fell actual ships now that they’re ready for him, but he still gets the job done four more times. Then, when he’s hijacked a flying model robot, an SR-Thrown unit, a DV-Wyvern decides to just ram him… only to be punched in the nose and have its course diverted to the side straight into a DV-Serpent.
                                <-----Seventh Sword----->
Silbius: All ships, as soon as you reach critical damage, retreat to interspace immediately!
Zero: (Enters) Are we in battle stations right now?
Silbius: Zero, how kind of you to grace us with your presence for once.
Zero: I brought pizza. (Holding box)
Cardio: We forgive you! (Grabs box)
Zero: I didn’t think you’d NEED my presence against Tatsuka’s group, Silbius.
Silbius: It’s not Tatsuka. This is another fighter who challenged our fleet. I’m testing his strength before resorting to retreating entirely.
Zero: Who is it?
Cardio: (Having a slice) Dunno. Can’t get a good shot of him. Hey, doc, get a picture of him!
Dr. Eggman: What do you think I’ve been trying to do!? Everytime a robot with visual feed gets close to him, it gets destroyed!
Cardio: So why don’t you go out there?
Dr. Eggman: I’m sorry, you must have me confused with someone who can punch a giant ship and get away with it.
Zero: Don’t you have that mech of yours?
Dr. Eggman: It’s not finished yet. It’s not exactly easy to completely remake a mech that’s had most of its parts sucked into a black hole, you know!
Zero: As I recall, that black hole was technically your own fault.
Dr. Eggman: It was that hedgehog’s fault and shut up! (Notices a monitor) Success! We have a visual!

A decent shot of their attacker is onscreen.

Silbius: He certainly reminds me of Tatsuka.
Cardio: (Amost chokes on pizza) No way! That’s… it’s Soda T. Suka!
Silbius: I know not who that is.
Cardio: Seriously? You’ve never heard of him?
Silbius: No.
Cardio: He was the toughest, most awesome guy of his generation back in Daturnoc! He founded the Buttkicking Committee!
Zero: What is that?
Cardio: It was all about picking up kids from the street and letting them develop their fighting skills. I was one of those kids, only at the time it was called the “Spirits”. But that’s not all, bossman! That guy’s also your dad!
Silbius: My WHAT!?
Cardio: Ol’ Egg-Ned explained it to me while I was Dorica. The genetic stuff used to make all three Trigger warriors came from Suka. Number two was you…
Silbius: And number three was Tatsuka. So… that man is my genetic father. I suppose that makes him an example of what I could become once my powers achieve adulthood. And where has he been all these years?
Cardio: No idea. We lost contact with him just before you were made.

An alert beeps as one of the monitors catches sight of the Gear Comet.

SR-Unit: Incoming vessel detected, sir!
Cardio: …That’s Halley’s ship!
Silbius: Then the old Project Dawn team is coming together, it seems. I wonder if this is a sign that we’ll finally find her…
Zero: …?
Silbius: Change of strategy. All ships near Soda T. Suka, try to form a battlefield for him. I’m going down to confront him myself. I have a few things I’d like to address with him.
Cardio: So who am I fighting, then?
Silbius: Go to Halley’s ship and intercept their operatives. If Tatsuka’s party comes along… I’m giving you Release Clearance Level 1.
Cardio: For real!? YES!! (Draws sword) And here I thought you were gonna let all “this” stay cooped up forever! (Leaves)
Silbius: And what do you wish to do, doctor?
Dr. Eggman: I’m fine just observing from here.
Silbius: Very well. (Leaves)
Dr. Eggman: …
Zero: …
Dr. Eggman: Stop giving me that look.
Zero: I’m wearing a mask.
Dr. Eggman: I can FEEL you giving me a look!
The Gear Comet evades the larger attacks from the DV units and even shoots down a few regular enemies on its way here. On the deck of one ship, Halley stays at the pilot seat as the other three hop down.

Halley: I’d come fight with you, but I gotta keep flying this thing so it doesn’t get shot down or crash somehow!
Dino: Fly safely!
Halley: I will!

As she flies off, Tatsuka and Keefer start speeding away.

Dino: Hey, wait up! I can’t go that fast!
Keefer: Sorry, he does this! (Leaves with Tatsuka)
Dino: That doesn’t mean YOU have to! Ah well, guess it’s slow and steady for me.

He sees a top hat on deck.

Dino: What the…?

The entire rest of the party pops out of it.

Chuck: Huh, it actually worked.
Letta: When did you even put this hat here?
Chuck: Remember those pay phones? I just willed them to be hats.
Letta: (Notices Dino and readies scythe) Who are you? You with Silbius?
Dino: Whoa whoa, hey, I’m not with him! The name’s Dino Marrow. I guess you’re Tatsuka’s friends.
Leb: Dino Marrow! We found him!
Chuck: Well, that was easy.
Leb: Did our friends tell you what questions we had?

A wave of Hybrids shows up.

Dino: Maybe we should save that conversation till later, yeah?
Cardio: (Enters) Hey, Dino! How it is?
Dino: Dorica!? What…?
Cardio: Yeah, I go by Cardio these days. Can’t blame you for being surprised, I guess I look kinda different with this broken mask. (Looks around) With all these Hybrids around, it probably won’t be a solo fight for me. Oh well, the bossman Silbius only gave me level one permission, after all. Against this number, maybe I could use the backup.
Letta: What are you talking about?

Cardio simply raises his sword to the side.

Cardio: “See the door…”
Leb: …! Stop him!
Cardio: “Cardio Primera”!

Letta was first to act, but her charge is interrupted by a burst of power from Cardio. In an instant, where there once stood a humanoid stands a large reptilian monster with some human features, covered in blades. His neck holds a metal collar with three short chains hanging around it. The monster shoots forward in a multi-slice attack, which Leb blocks by summoning a huge mechanical entity, Alexander.

Leb: It’s Resurreccion! Arrancar can separate some of their power and seal it! Resurreccion is when that power gets pulled back in!
Cardio: You know your stuff. Yeah, take away the Hollow bits, and this is basically what I looked like when I first became a Heartless.

He attacks again with his tail, but this time it’s blocked by Dino.

Dino: So THIS is what happened to you? You became a Heartless and started working for Silbius? You should be trying to stop him!
Cardio: Yeah, I should… But I’m having way too much fun fighting to care!
As they land on the nose of this particularly long ship, Tatsuka and Keefer spot a LOT of turrets.

Keefer: We’re sitting ducks together! Let’s scatter!
Tatsuka: Good call! I’ll hit ‘em high, you hit ‘em low!

They separate, Keefer taking advantage of his Grav Boot upgrade to his air skates to shoot across the ships underside. Tatsuka runs at top speed, but seems to be thinking to himself… Well, not really “himself”, exactly.

Tatsuka: (Hey… Hey, fox, you there? What was the name… Kurama! You hear me?)
Kurama: …What?
Tatsuka: (Cool, you’re listening. Hey, I got an idea.)
Kurama: And this involves me, how?
Tatsuka: (I’d like to come into your space.)
Kurama: Give me one good reason why I should cooperate.
Tatsuka: (Cuz this is MY body you’re living in, and it’s time to pay rent?)
Kurama: Nice try. That would’ve worked on the original Kurama, but I’m part of your own data. I’m SUPPOSED to be in here. Try again.
Tatsuka: (Okay, how about this, then? If you’re part of my data, that means part of my own processing whatever is working at keeping you existing. So, if I get killed because I couldn’t spare any power, guess who’s to blame.)
Kurama: …Well dang, that’s actually a good point. Come on in.

Tatsuka finds himself in an open space filled with water that goes on endlessly. Using chakra to walk on the surface of it, he approaches the Nine-Tails himself.

Tatsuka: You should fire your plumber.
Kurama: I remember there WAS a plumber in here, wasn’t there?
Tatsuka: Oh yeah, that’s right… then you showed up and scared him off before he could fix this place.
Kurama: Don’t look at me, he wasn’t even supposed to be in here! He’s not a part of you or anything. Anyway, what was that idea you had?
Tatsuka: Time’s sped up for us in here, right?
Kurama: Everything’s going as fast as you can think, yes.
Tatsuka: Up until these days, I’ve been able to get by on sheer momentum. Ten years of training and those constant Trigger abilities helped me win my battles well enough. But now I know I can’t rely on that anymore. I got completely wasted by my dad.
Kurama: Yeah, I was watching that.
Tatsuka: So I decided to try actually PLANNING this stuff a bit.
Kurama: Right, like you had a plan when you ran into Hueco Mundo.
Tatsuka: For your information, I DID have a plan there. But I clean forgot it, I was so mad, and so I got my tail handed to me by Aizen. So, I’m thinking maybe I can come in HERE and form some plans.
Kurama: Interesting… but how are you going to see the battlefield from in here?
Tatsuka: That’s the easy part.

He gestures to an empty space and a giant TV rises from the water.

Kurama: …What.
Tatsuka: This is MY soul, I can do what I want in here. And thus, mission control screen!
Kurama: Isn’t that just a super-sized version of your TV back home?
Tatsuka: I’m not an interior designer.

He pushes a button and the battlefield is displayed.

Tatsuka: Okay, this is what my actual eyes are seeing right now. Let’s get to planning!
Kurama: Is there any point to my actually being here for this?
Tatsuka: You can help me plan, can’t you? Two heads and stuff.

After planning ahead, Tatsuka snaps back to reality and follows the path that would least likely be hit by missiles, allowing him to breeze past the turrets with very little need to defend himself. However, homing blasts from the sides of the ship appear.

Kurama: Tatsuka! Homing silos! We didn’t see those!
Tatsuka: What—aw crud!

Caught completely off guard, Tatsuka is forced to hitch a ride on a passing fighter, a DV-Sea Horse, and ends up all the way back at the nose. This time, he tries hitching more rides in a circle around the thing.

Tatsuka: Agh! I’m coming back in!


Tatsuka: What happened?
Kurama: That ship has weapons on the side we didn’t see.
Tatsuka: Let’s fix that. (Looks at TV) If this is what I’m seeing now… Where’s the fastforward button?
Kurama: There is no fastforward. You can’t see the future.
Tatsuka: The hey I can’t.

He summons a new sword, some red mechanical one with a large circular hole on the hilt, and conjures something to stick it in. The screen now shows the other side of the ship.

Kurama: How…
Tatsuka: Aw, that’s pretty lame for future-sight. This is just what I’m gonna see in the next few seconds if I keep going this path.
Kurama: What kind of sword is that!?
Tatsuka: This? It’s the Monado. I had some dreams about it a while ago, and I’ve been looking for a way to use it without screwing up my rhythm. I don’t really get it, but it uses some super-analysis stuff to give psychic visions of stuff I can change.
Kurama: If it’s only showing us the next few seconds, how are we seeing the whole other side of the ship?
Tatsuka: Because I’m just that fast.

That Hollow version of Tatsuka shows up.

Tatsu Zangetsu: What’s going on over here? Hey, it’s my favorite show! “Stuff Blows Up”!
Tatsuka: Who… Kurama, who the flip is this guy?
Tatsu Zangetsu: I’m Tatsu Zangetsu.
Tatsuka: I thought Zangetsu was an old guy.
Tatsu Zangetsu: And I am SICK of folks saying that at this point.
Kurama: We’re having a strategy meeting right now.
Tatsu Zangetsu: Strategy? Pfft, who needs that? Let’s just waste ‘em.
Tatsuka: A long time ago I’d agree with you, but I’m not doing that anymore.
Tatsu Zangetsu: Are you kidding me? You’re not a planner!
Tatsuka: I can try, can’t I?
Tatsu Zangetsu: Well sure, knock yourself out. Actually, you WILL end up knocking yourself out like this. Incoming blast.
Tatsuka: Incoming wha—

Tatsuka returns to reality just in time to dodge a missile.

Tatsuka: How did we not see that!?
Kurama: You lost your focus and time slowed back down in here.
Tatsu Zangetsu: Not my fault.

When Suka’s rampage takes him to this ship, he notices the surrounding ships forming a perimeter around its deck. Sensing something, he looks up and sees Silbius standing on a glowing platform descending down to him.

Silbius: You have proven exceedingly formidable, Soda T. Suka. I suppose the apple does not fall far from the tree.
Suka: Are you standing on air?
Silbius: A pet trick of mine. I am commanding the air’s own spirit to form support under my feet. I owe it to this piece of equipment. (Indicates an armor plate on his shoulder)
Suka: That’s one of those Trigger Plates, right?
Silbius: …You’re well informed. Yes, the method of equipping other world’s memories that was phased out in favor of Trigger Fruits. This Quincy Plate, for example, allows me to pull at and manipulate spiritual energies for as long as I have it equipped. It, along with the Parsel Plate that allows one to speak snake language, was among the only Trigger Plates created before the concept was deemed inferior to fruits. I suppose you heard of such things from my creator, is that correct?
Suka: Yeah, Ned was talking about that last time I saw him. Let me guess; you already know I’m your dad.
Silbius: This fact was pointed out to me a few minutes past by Cardio… sorry, you know him as Dorica.
Suka: Dorica’s involved in this, too? Guess my hit list just went up by one. But anyway, if you only just found out, I’m surprised you’re taking it so calmly.
Silbius: …During the past ten years preparing for my conquest, I often considered the fact that I may have a genetic parent. What if I had a mother or father beyond that computer that gave birth to my digital form? I have long since settled on two actions I would take should I ever encounter such people. Firstly, I must thank you for facilitating my birth.
Suka: Aw, shucks.
Silbius: Secondly… I must punish you for facilitating Tatsuka’s birth! (Draws sword) Cardio tells me you hold the title of strongest in your generation, but this is MY time. And in any case, I do not care for my father being more similar to Tatsuka than to I, and so I’m afraid our familial relationship must be cut short—

He is forced to block a sudden punch from Suka.

Suka: Oh, I’m not only like Tatsuka. It looks like you inherited my old tendency to ramble on back in the day!
                          <-----Tavnazian Archipelago----->
                                   Misareaux Coast
Kat, wielding Tom in his board form… is stuck here doing nothing.

Kat: …
Tom: …
Kat: …This scene completely forgot about us.
Tom: Personally, I like it that way.
Tom: Don’t antagonize them!
Prishe: Wow, you’re loud.

Two other people have shown up; the Elvaan girl from Tatsuka’s waking dream, Prishe, as well as an arrogant lady Tarutaru by the name of Shantotto.

Shantotto: Ohoho, it seems some others have gotten here first. A girl with an obvious amount of bloodthirst.
Kat: And who are you?
Prishe: Prishe. This area’s kinda my territory. And this is Shan—I mean, Doctor Shantotto.
Shantotto: Prishe heard a commotion and was thus set in motion. I, meanwhile, was just visiting and found the idea of invasion defense riveting.
Kat: Please stop that.
Shantotto: Stop what, girl?
Kat: That rhyming! It makes me wanna hurl!
Tom: …Um—
Kat: GAH, now you got me doing it!
Prishe: Anyway… you know that weird fleet over there?
Kat: Yeah, it’s Silbius. He’s out to conquer worlds.
Tom: Kat! We’re not supposed to talk about other worlds here!
Kat: Says who?
Tom: Says the law!
Prishe: Is that plank talking?
Kat: ExCUSE me, but this “plank” is a “hoverboard”.
Shantotto: A threat from another world, you say? Now that makes me want to get involved, if I may. Multiple dimensions duking it out, it reminds me of when those two gods were having their bout.
Prishe: Um… Doc, what are you talking about?
Shantotto: Prishe, do you not recall? Hmm… maybe it’s because I escaped early that I remember it all.
Prishe: Well… anyway, you up for some competition? We’ve got an airship we can use to get up there, so how about we see who can take down the most enemies? Loser has to buy a feast for the winners!
Tom: I’m not sure we should get involved—
Kat: You’re on!
Tom: Of course…
Shantotto: Now you’re just asking for it. This here will be survival of the most fit! Ohohohohoho!
The fight with Cardio continues, but much of the party (now including Dino) are spread out in their own battles with the lesser Hybrids. As Penny dodges yet another slicing attack, Letta notices a trend and, after decapitating her current opponent, attacks Cardio herself.

Letta: Some reason you keep attacking my sister?
Cardio: Back off! I’m trying to have a good fight with the one person here who’s actually enjoying it!

He shakes off Letta and charges at Penny again, but this time Penny is sloppy in her evasion.

Cardio: What the… What happened?
Penny: Take… Take that back!
Cardio: What are you talking about?
Penny: I’m not… I’m NOT enjoying this!
Cardio: Seriously? Listen, pal, I’m a living embodiment of my own dark feelings, you think I don’t know a power high when I see it?
Penny: Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about!
Cardio: That’s BS, and you know it. This is one of the few things I’m CAPABLE of feeling in other people. You have power and you like it. You enjoy having the opportunity to use that power, and you want the excuse to use as much of it as you can.
Letta: That’s enough out of you!

Letta jumps into the air, turns the blade of her scythe into a large spearhead, and dives down on Cardio… only for the latter to block and grapple it with his tail and toss her aside.

Cardio: You know, this chickening out of yours is really ticking me off. All these other guys are fighting the smallfries, but not you. Did you really not notice that you’ve been fighting ME directly this entire time, not even bothering with the other enemies?
Penny: That’s because—
Cardio: Because I’m the biggest challenge here, and so you’ll be able to use all the power you like. YOU challenged ME, so trying to back out now… well, I take that as an insult! So stop being a wuss and FIGHT ME LIKE YOU WANT TO!

He senses something and blocks… a piano?

Chuck: Crud. Blocked.
Cardio: Did you really think I wouldn’t notice that? A flipping piano?
Chuck: No, but I do think you’re easily distracted.
Cardio: What does that—
Dino: THIS!

Dino finally manages to land a good hit with his lance on Cardio.

Cardio: Gah! What the hey, why aren’t you fighting the smallfry!?

This provides an opening that allows Letta to scythe off his tail.

Cardio: OW!
Letta: The other Hybrids are gone already. You were too busy obsessing over Penny to notice.
Cardio: Can’t a guy enjoy a fight without people running away or butting in!?

Meanwhile, inside this very ship, Tony and Motica are taking advantage of the lack of soldiers to sneak around.

Zero: (On communicator) Are you two in position?
Tony: Yep! We’re in position, affirmative, roger, yessir—
Zero: I get it. Remember, you’re looking for any information on Silbius’s digital project. The ship you’re on was recently sent to Augusta Tower on Gran Pulse, and I have no idea why. He’s definitely hiding something about it from me, which means…
Motica: Clue.
Zero: Exactly.
Tony: Uh, dude, there may be a problem with that. Not all the troops are gone. Stealth isn’t really something either of us are good at, Zee, and this place is WAY less… hide-y than that last time.
Zero: Don’t worry, we have a distraction in place.

What few SR-Units remain inside these halls find a battle on their hands (for those who have hands, at least). A young woman with orange hair has just jumped out of nowhere and started taking each and every one down with acrobatic martial moves.

Kim: Well… they were no big. Thought they’d be tougher.
Zero: Um… Miss Possible, where exactly is your sidekick? HE was supposed to be the distraction.
Kim: He’s my partner, not my sidekick.
Zero: Whatever, where is he?

A blonde guy with a bald rodent in his pocket is currently on a cell phone.

Ron: No, I don’t know any tomcats. You’ve got the wrong number.
Zero: Great, whole plan. Whole plan kaput because of a phonecall.
Kim: What does it matter? The enemies are done for, so we can do our job more easily, right?
Zero: That’s not the point! One of them has to be intact enough to SEE you and Mr. Stoppable, to keep suspicion off of Tony and Motica!
Motica: (Listening to phone) Boss.
Tony: Hey yeah, that DOES sound like Yakia! Hey, dude, toss it here!
Ron: (Does so) Hey, we didn’t volunteer to be scapegoats, dude!
Zero: You’re not scapegoats! You’re support agents… with this one-time secondary role of scapegoats.
Kim: Sounds like the same thing to me.
Ron: Yep. Sorry, dude, but KP and I have standards… Unless…
Kim: What?
Zero: (Sigh) What incentive do you need?
Ron: …A coupon for a week of free nacos.
Zero: I don’t know what a naco is.
Rufus: (Pitying squeaks)
Ron: I know, Rufus, it’s like he hasn’t truly lived life.
Motica: Naco?
Kim: Ron’s invention.
Zero: Well then it’s no wonder I’ve never heard of it!
Tony: Hey, Motica, you have any idea where TomKat went?
Motica: Nacos…
Tony: Girl, you’re losing focus.
Zero: You’re ALL losing focus! Okay, fine! I’ll get these… “naco” coupons for you, but I don’t see how we can salvage my plan at this point.
Ron: You just need one of those bots working enough to see us, right? Rufus, you’re up.

The naked mole rat begins seeing to one of the SR-Units. How he knows his way around these things, I have no idea.

Zero: I’ll try to ignore the fact that we’re relying on the mechanical skills of a naked mole rat. Ugh, listen, just… just plug our friend into the system.
Tony: All right, time to plug some Kennyficators!
Motica: Kimmunicators.
Tony: Yeah, those things. (Plugs one in) What’s the sitch, Wade?
Kim: Don’t try to say that line.

A boy genius with extensive computer tech in his room (which he rarely ever leaves) appears on the devices’ screens.

Wade: (On screen) Yeah, you’re just not saying it right.
Zero: Are you getting anything?
Wade: You realize we’re dealing with systems from an entirely different world, right? It’s not going to be a quick thing—(DING)—One set of fifty files down.
Zero: What does it say?
Wade: I still need time to decode the information. I may have to call GG for help.
Ron: Gee-Two?
Zero: Wait, Wade! …Do you happen to know GG’s real identity?
Wade: Um… no. Why?
Zero: (Sigh) Never mind.
Tatsuka: ‘Kay, this is not gonna work. I can’t just come in here in the middle of battles without screwing up my rhythm.
Tatsu Zangetsu: Told you.
Tatsuka: I’m not giving up on the planning thing, though. Let’s see… Kurama, you’re a good strategist, right? I’ve seen a couple dreams of you having pretty nice ideas.
Kurama: Well, I guess so… The original Kurama had some smarts when he wasn’t a seething ball of resentment.
Tatsuka: Then here’s my idea; how about I keep my mind outside while you watch this mission control screen—
Kurama: Television.
Tatsuka: Yeah, that, and keep me posted? Best paths to take, incoming attacks, the works.
Kurama: Sounds good, but… if I focus on that, I won’t be able to give as much of my chakra to you.
Tatsuka: That’s where Zangetsu comes in.
Tatsu Zangetsu: Yo.
Tatsuka: I mean the sword, not the Hollow.
Tatsu Zangetsu: And I keep telling you there’s no difference! Like it or not, I’M the thing releasing your own soul’s power.
Tatsuka: Well then, what does the old guy do?
Tatsu Zangetsu: Oh, trust me, you don’t want him to do what he usually does.
Tatsuka: Why not?
Tatsu Zangetsu: Let’s just say there’s a reason the original Zangetsu has so much pent-up strength.
Tatsuka: What does that even—Forget it, I’ll ask later. All right, if you ARE telling the truth, you’ll be in charge of releasing Kurama’s power AND mine. Also… think you can spread that power to all my techniques?
Tatsu Zangetsu: Only if you let some Hollow out, or else I’ll just be giving it all to my sword.
Tatsuka: Fine, just don’t pull something like trying to eat my soul if I do that.
Tatsu Zangetsu: C’mon, don’t you trust me?
Tatsuka: Keep an eye on him, Kurama.
Kurama: Already on it.
Tatsu Zangetsu: Man, you guys suck.

At the tail end, Keefer is holding position.

Keefer: Come on, Tatsuka. What’s taking you so long?

Tatsuka finally makes it here, and the two of them perform a co-op move; Tatsuka uses a midair Spin Dash, which Keefer shoots into the ship’s vulnerable spot in the thrusters. Heavily damaged, the DV-Evrae retreats into interspace, and the two aim their fall towards the next ship.

Keefer: What was the holdup!?
Tatsuka: Sorry, had some management restructuring to take care of!
Silbius and Suka continue their fight here, and there seems to be a clear advantage on Suka’s part. Most of Silbius’s attacks and spells are doing very little, and the ones that would’ve actually done significant damage are the ones Suka makes sure to dodge or block. Silbius turns into fire to gain distance quickly, then immediately reverts to fire a blast of ki, Galick Gun. Suka acts fast and plunges his hand into the metal hull of this ship, pulling a section of it up to form a shield. He then punches it and sends it flying towards Silbius, but it is then cut to ribbons by Senbonzakura.

Silbius: What!? Wait, time out!
Suka: Uh… what?
Silbius: A moment, please. (To sword) All right, what was that all about? I didn’t tell you to release, I already meant to slice that projectile in two. …Don’t start that again! I told you before, you’re no longer an autonomous spirit. You’re merely a technique used by this sword Supremacy. Or do you wish to be locked up in the darkness with those other fools? …That’s what I thought. (To Suka) Apologies. I just had some technical difficulties.
Suka: It sounded like whatever you were talking to just wanted to help.
Silbius: Its behavior was intolerable. You see, the entity I spoke to fancies itself a reflection of me, but I am the only one I consider myself. It became so irritating that I resorted to completely separating it from myself and sealing it in this sword here. My “Soul Reaper” powerset suffers because of this, of course, but I have many other abilities to fall back on. For instance…

He turns into fire again and shoots all over the place at a speed only a blaze could achieve. After obscuring his position, he allows his hand to form and conjures electricity in it; a Chidori augmented by the speed of the Flame Flame Fruit. Unfortunately for him, Suka takes out one of his Spirit bottles at the last moment and makes it explode, the fizz canceling out Silbius’s fire form. Silbius is forced to endure a kick, then gain some distance.

Silbius: How!?
Suka: This soda here can be my “spirit”. I can will it to do stuff, long as I don’t push it.
Silbius: I didn’t ask, but thanks. What I fail to see is how you were able to track me when I was immaterial flame!
Suka: Didn’t give it that much thought. I wanted to hit you, so I did.
Silbius: So… instinct? I best hope I inherited some of this…
Suka: Quit this conquest stuff, and I just might take you in and show you the ropes. It might make a great father-son camping trip.
Silbius: I’ll pass.
Suka: You sure? Because you do realize that if you keep up this bull… I may have to get serious.

Before either can make their next move, Tatsuka and Keefer show up.

Tatsuka: Dad? What are you doing here?
Suka: I could ask you the same thing!
Silbius: Ah, Tatsuka. Come to rescue daddy, have you?
Keefer: For your information, we didn’t even know you were going to be in this world. We just came to find Mr. Marrow.
Suka: Dino? Wow, it’s been years since I saw him! I’ll have to say hi.
Tatsuka: We found Halley, too. They were pretty much living together.
Suka: Called it.
Silbius: This is amusing and all, but if you don’t mind, we were in the middle of something.
Tatsuka: Okay, but first… Dad, I called dibs.
Suka: What?
Tatsuka: I called dibs on Silbius.
Silbius: You…?
Keefer: What are you talking abo—
Tatsuka: I called dibs on fighting Silbius a while ago. Remember when I totally said that, KEEF?
Keefer: …Oh. Oh, that’s right! Yep, he certainly did.
Tatsuka: This guy messed with my town, and so I want to pulverize him myself. Right now, you’re kinda stealing my fight. If it’s all right with you, could you just leave Silbius to me?
Suka: …
Tatsuka: ‘Course, I guess I can’t really stop you.
Suka: Well… isn’t it a father’s job to get between his kids when they have a fight?
Tatsuka: Can either of us really be called kids at this point?
Suka: Well… if this is a fight between men, I guess I shouldn’t butt in.
Silbius: And are you sure I’ll have no issues with this arrangement? He challenged me.
Tatsuka: C’mon, can’t you see the family resemblance? Your opponent isn’t really changing that much. (Draws sword) You’re just going from Soda T. Suka to Soda T. Tatsuka.
Suka: …!
Silbius: …(Dismisses sword) Well, if he is indeed retracting his challenge, I see no reason to pursue this conflict further.
Tatsuka: What? You’re… You’re running away AGAIN?
Silbius: I’m pulling out. There is more to lose than there is to gain in this circumstance. (Starts to leave)
Tatsuka: SILBIUS!
Silbius: …!
Tatsuka: Cut the crud. You wouldn’t walk away from a fight just because of that, and you know it. You pulled this same thing in Las Noches; you left saying you didn’t want to tick off the boss there, but you don’t actually give a rat’s tail about Aizen! What exactly are you trying to buy time for?
Silbius: …Nice work seeing that far, Tatsuka. But I will not give charity by explaining the rest. Now, I suggest you all return to the ground level. I will not wait until you’re gone to pull my ships back into interspace, and we wouldn’t want you falling to your deaths, now would we? (Enters ship)
Suka: Well, that’s kinda disappointing. I was just starting to get a workout in—
Tatsuka: You can cut the act now, Dad.
Suka: …!
Keefer: Act?
Tatsuka: We’ll talk when we get off this thing. Speaking of… How exactly are we getting off?

The lack of action has allowed the Gear Comet to fly over to them.

Halley: Motec Taxi, at your service! Oh my god, is that you, Mr. Soda!?
Suka: Hey, Halley! How’s your boyf—I mean, “partner”?
Halley: Sorry, I can’t hear you! Ship’s too loud! Get on, no talking!
The group here has worked together to defeat Cardio, but the latter is still standing.

Cardio: Alright, that tears it! If you guys won’t let me have a good one-on-one fight, then I’ll just have to waste you all!

One of the chains on his collar starts glowing.

Leb: He can release MORE!?
Cardio: “Approach the door…”

Silbius uses the PA system.

Silbius: Don’t even think about it!
Cardio: Wha—Bossman? What’s the matter?
Silbius: Seal your power back up, we’re pulling out.
Cardio: WHAT!?
Silbius: I’m becoming bored of this fight, and we failed our objective here anyway. Return to the Seventh Sword at once.
Cardio: You can’t be serious! They’re all right here, I can just—
Silbius: That’s an ORDER, Cardio!
Cardio: …Fine! (Reverts) All of you, get lost!

He leaves, not noticing a weird mark on his shoulder.

Dino: Dorica’s turned evil. What a lousy day this is turning out to be.
Letta: Penny… Are you… okay?
Penny: …I’m fine.
Letta: You sure—
Penny: Please. Just… I’m fine. Let’s just go.

The Gear Comet flies over to them.

Leb: I’m guessing that’s our ride. That was exhausting… I really hope we don’t have to fight Cardio just by ourselves again. If he really can release more, we’d need to be more prepared.
Chuck: (Holding a marker) Aw, don’t worry about him. I’m keepin’ my “I” on him.
Leb: Huh?
Chuck: I am going to HATE myself when this dumb idea works.
                                    Misareaux Coast
Everyone has returned to ground level as the last of Silbius’s fleet departs.

Prishe: Thirty-seven’s my count! Pretty sure that means I won.
Kat: Hah! I did… thirty-eight. Right?
Tom: No, Kat, you just took out thirty-seven as well.
Shantotto: Well, seeing as I dispatched FIFTY specimens of beast, the two of your together will be paying for the feast.
Kat: Dangit!
Prishe: Aw, man! I’m broke!
Tom: Then why exactly did you challenge us in the first place?

Dino and Halley are officially introduced to the team from Norma.

Halley: (To Penny) Omigawsh, you are so CUTE! That martial arts number makes you look like an adorable pintsized powerhouse, did anyone ever tell you that?
Dino: Halley, tone it down a little!
Chuck: Aw, don’t worry about it. My sisters’ looks are unrivaled, so her reaction is understandable. Me and Letta, of course, have grown used to Penny’s adorability, ain’t that right?
Letta: …You know, I never noticed that “adorable powerhouse” thing until you just now pointed it out. …Penny, brace yourself, I must hug you.
Penny: What!?
Halley: Group hug!
Penny: Why!?
Dino: Can I get in on this?
Chuck: Back up, bub.

Leb talks with Keefer.

Keefer: A SECOND release? I figured Cardio could do that Resurreccion thing, but I didn’t know you could do that TWICE.
Leb: I’ve been reading, and there’s actually one other guy who did just that. I think it’s more like… like he only released a fraction of his power to begin with.
Keefer: How do you estimate our odds against him?
Leb: As long as he just keeps up with brute strength, I think we could beat him by being clever, or by coming up with new tricks. Anyway, how’s Tatsuka?
Keefer: Over there with his dad. No idea what they’re talking about. …You’re going to eavesdrop, aren’t you?
Leb: No need, Letta has that covered.
Keefer: Wait, wasn’t she…?
Leb: She moves fast.

Letta quietly listens as Tatsuka and Suka chat.

Tatsuka: Seriously, you can stop bluffing now. The bad guys are long gone.
Suka: (Sits down) Fine. Ugh… I was sloppy with those ships’ turrets. How could you tell I was hurtin’?
Tatsuka: You were acting like I would in your shoes.
Suka: Haha, maybe Silbius had a point after all. Speaking of, sorry for butting in on your fight with him. Dibs, right?
Tatsuka: Actually, that was just me BS-ing. I only said that so you’d have a legit reason to back off without losing face. But I know why you got involved in the first place.
Suka: You do?
Tatsuka: I just asked myself, what would I do? If I had two sons I’d never even met for years, I’d probably be desparate on making up for that. I’d try to be a good father, and to do that I’d confront each one directly. And if one of ‘em was being an evil bad guy, I’d try to beat him back onto the right path.
Suka: …Yeah, we’re definitely alike. Right down to the bluffing thing.
Tatsuka: To be fair, the bluff wasn’t even my idea. Thank Kurama for that.
Suka: Who’s Kurama?
Tatsuka: The demon fox that lives in my head.
Suka: …Um… what?
Tatsuka: Long story. So, what now?
Suka: Can’t really get involved in the Silbius thing now, can I? I think I’ll go an alternate route.
Tatsuka: What route is that?
Suka: …After I met you back home, I did some digging. My getting trapped on some random interspace station WASN’T an accident. Back then, the World Port was just getting started on its travel business, and I thought I’d check out this one world where a martial arts tournament was being held. It was a lot of work setting it up; we had to make sure the folks in that world didn’t catch on. But something went wrong, and I found myself on that station with no way back.
Tatsuka: So… sabotage?
Suka: I won’t apologize for getting stuck there, that was beyond my control. But I still apologize for taking so long coming back. I’m gonna look into whatever jerkwad caused it, but first I think I should lay down some… fatherly advice.
Tatsuka: What is it?
Suka: Tatsuka, listen to me. There’s one trait that a few carriers of the “T” initial have. I like to call it the “Tyrant’s Rage”. Most people related to us don’t ever have this problem, but sometimes you get a few unlucky guys and girls. Basically, we get angry.
Tatsuka: Doesn’t everybody?
Suka: No, you don’t get it. Sure, we only get angry for the same reasons as everyone else, but when we do, we can easily get carried away with it. I’m one of the cool-headed ones, but Silbius… He definitely has this problem, judging from how he’s reacted with his conquest deal.
Tatsuka: What about me?
Suka: You tell me, Tatsuka. When you get angry, how angry do you get exactly?
Tatsuka: …
Tatsu Zangetsu: I can answer this if you want!
Tatsuka: (You can just shut up.)
Suka: I don’t have this trait myself, so I can’t give you any good advice. All I can really do is warn you about it. Just stay aware of it, and you’ll probably be fine. Besides, you have people around to help if you need it. Isn’t that right, Letta?
Letta: I wasn’t listening! I mean, I, uh…

Keefer: We went our separate ways. Suka left with TomKat to investigate that “other lead”, whatever it is. I don’t know why, but Doctor Shantotto decided to go with them. I tried to stop her to avoid breaking non-meddling laws but… well, you know how often people actually listen to that stuff by now. As for Dino and Halley, they went to get something they left back at the safehold and then joined us on the ship.
Leb, Keefer, and Chuck walk towards the bridge.

Chuck: You really sure this is a good idea? We barely know those two.
Leb: They’re friends with Keefer’s dad, aren’t they?
Chuck: Yeah, and Keefer’s dad is running around in the shadows with his hood up and randomly sending people to fight us for no reason! …No offense.
Keefer: Some taken. You know, Dino is actually just as distrustful as you. You two will probably get along fine.
Chuck: Oh, trust me, NOBODY’S as distrustful as me.
Leb: Just give it a chance, okay? Come on, we’ve got more members in our party! A lance-wielding frontline fighter and an ace pilot! I’m not seeing any downsides to this!

They enter to find Dino and Halley making out.

Dino: GAH! She, she had something in her eye!
Halley: Yes, exactly! And he had something in… his teeth?
All Three: (…We’ve made a horrible mistake.)
A tussle above the Tavnazian Archipelago in which Suka tries his hand at fatherhood, Tatsuka brainstorms with a fox, and a robot has its eyes fixed by a naked mole rat...
...It makes sense in context.
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Margaretto-Ri's avatar
I love it, omg, okay my favorite part was...the look Zero gave Eggman